Kindergarten is a transitional year of early education for children, usually between the ages of four and six, that prepares them for elementary school. It's the first stage in the transition from home to formal education and is part of the preschool system in most countries. 

LKG stands for Lower Kindergarten and UKG stands for Upper Kindergarten. These classes are part of the elementary education system in India, which also includes Nursery. LKG and UKG are optional classes for children aged 3 to 6 years old that help prepare them for primary school. They focus on early childhood development and help children increase their knowledge. 

LKG stands for Lower Kindergarten and UKG stands for Upper Kindergarten. These classes are part of the elementary education system in India, which also includes Nursery. LKG and UKG are optional classes for children aged 3 to 6 years old that help prepare them for primary school. They focus on early childhood development and help children increase their knowledge.

The aim of preschool education is to facilitate optimum development of child’s full potential and lay the foundation for all round development and lifelong learning.